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Plant species within the JUNCACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our JUNCACEAE family page.
Displaying records 1-25 of 37 Page of 2
Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Juncus acuminatus Sharp Fruit Rush; Knot Leaf Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus anthelatus Greater Poverty Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus biflorus Large Grass-Leaved Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus brachycarpus Short Fruit Rush; White Root Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus brachycephalus Small Head Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus
Accepted Name Juncus bufonius Toad Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus canadensis Canadian Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus coriaceus Leathery Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus debilis Weak Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus dichotomus Forked Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus diffusissimus Slim Pod Rush; Diffuse Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus dudleyi Dudley's Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus effusus Soft Rush; Lamp Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Juncus elliottii Elliott's Rush; Bog Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus filipendulus Limestone Rush; Ring Seed Rush; Texas Plains Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus georgianus Georgia Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus gymnocarpus Seep Rush; Pennsylvania Rush; Naked Fruit Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus hybridus Hybrid Toad Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus
Accepted Name Juncus interior Inland Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus longii Long's Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus marginatus Grassleaf Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus megacephalus Big Head Rush; Large Head Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus nodatus Stout Rush; Jointed Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus paludosus Swamp Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Juncus pelocarpus Brown Fruited Rush JUNCACEAE Juncus Specimens Available
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