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Plant species within the HYPERICACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our HYPERICACEAE family page.
Displaying records 1-25 of 38 Page of 2
Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Hypericum apocynifolium Dogbane St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum brachyphyllum Shortleaf St. John's Wort; Coastal Plain St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Hypericum canadense Canadian St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum cistifolium Round Pod St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum crux-andreae St. Peter's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Hypericum densiflorum Bushy St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum denticulatum Coppery St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum dolabriforme Glade St. John's Wort; Straggling St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum drummondii Drummond's St. John's Wort; Nits and Lice HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum fasciculatum Peel Bark St. John's Wort; Narrowleaf St. John's Wort; Sand Weed HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum frondosum Golden St. John's Wort; Cedar Glade St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Hypericum galioides Bedstraw St. John's Wort; Glossy St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum gentianoides Orange Grass; Pineweed HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Hypericum gymnanthum Clasping Leaf St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum harperi Harper's St. John's Wort; Sharp Lobe St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum hypericoides St. Andrew's Cross HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Hypericum interior Interior Bushy St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum lloydii Sandhill St. John's Wort; Lloyd's St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum lobocarpum Lobed Fruit St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum microsepalum Flatwoods St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum mutilum Dwarf St. John's Wort; Slender St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Hypericum myrtifolium Myrtle Leaf St. John's Wort; Pale St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Hypericum nitidum Carolina St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum nudiflorum Early St. John's Wort; Naked St. John's Wort; Streambank St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hypericum perforatum European St. John's Wort; Common St. John's Wort HYPERICACEAE Hypericum Specimens Available Photo Icon
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