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Plant species within the EUPHORBIA genus are shown below. For quick access to genus details, visit our EUPHORBIA genus page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Euphorbia bombensis Sand dune Spurge; Southern Seaside Spurge; Dixie Sandmat EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia commutata Tinted Woodland Spurge; Wood Spurge EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia cordifolia Roundleaf Spurge; Heartleaf Sandmat; Heartleaf Broomspurge EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia corollata Flowering Spurge; Tramp's Spurge EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Euphorbia curtisii Curtis's Spurge EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia cyathophora Fire on the Mountain; Summer Poinsettia; Painted Poinsettia EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Euphorbia cyparissias Cypress Spurge; Graveyard Spurge EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia dentata Toothed Spurge; Toothleaf Poinsettia EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia discoidalis Summer Spurge EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia floridana Greater Florida Spurge EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia graminea Grassleaf Spurge EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia helioscopia Sun Spurge; Wartweed; Mad Woman's Milk EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Euphorbia heterophylla Mexican Fireplant; Painted Leaf; Wild Poinsettia EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia hirta Hairy Spurge; Pill Pod Sandmat EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia humistrata Spreading Spurge; Spreading Sandmat EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia hypericifolia St. John's Wort-leaved Spurge EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Euphorbia hyssopifolia Hyssop Spurge; Hyssop Leaf Sandmat; Hyssop Leaf Broomspurge EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia inundata Florida Pineland Spurge EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia maculata Milk Purslane; Spotted Spurge; Spotted Sandmat EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Euphorbia marginata Snow on the Mountain; Ghost Weed; Summer Icicle EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia mendezii Mendez's Sandmat EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia mercurialina Mercury Spurge; Cumberland Spurge; Dog's Mercury Spurge EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Euphorbia nutans Eyebane; Nodding Spurge EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Euphorbia ophthalmica Florida Hammock Sandmat EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Euphorbia peplus Petty Spurge EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia Specimens Available
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