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Plant species within the BROMUS genus are shown below. For quick access to genus details, visit our BROMUS genus page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Bromus arvensis Field Brome POACEAE Bromus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bromus catharticus Rescue Grass POACEAE Bromus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bromus commutatus Meadow Brome; Hairy Chess POACEAE Bromus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bromus erectus Upright Brome; Short Branched Brome POACEAE Bromus
Accepted Name Bromus hordeaceus Soft Brome; Soft Chess; Lop Grass POACEAE Bromus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bromus inermis Smooth Brome; Hungarian Brome POACEAE Bromus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bromus japonicus Japanese Brome; Japanese Chess POACEAE Bromus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bromus nottowayanus Nottoway Valley Brome; Satin Brome; Virginia Brome POACEAE Bromus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bromus pubescens Hairy Woodland Brome; Wood Chess POACEAE Bromus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bromus racemosus Smooth Brome POACEAE Bromus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bromus secalinus Chess; Cheat; Rye Brome POACEAE Bromus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bromus sterilis Poverty Brome; Barren Brome POACEAE Bromus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bromus tectorum Downy Chess; Downy Brome; Downy Cheat POACEAE Bromus Specimens Available
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