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Plant species within the OXALIDACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our OXALIDACEAE family page.
Displaying records 1-16 of 16 Page of 1
Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Oxalis articulata Windowbox Wood Sorrel; Red Oxalis OXALIDACEAE Oxalis Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Oxalis brasiliensis Brazilian Wood Sorrel OXALIDACEAE Oxalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Oxalis colorea Colored woodsorrel OXALIDACEAE Oxalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Oxalis corniculata Creeping Lady's Sorrel; Creeping Wood Sorrel; Creeping Yellow Wood Sorrel OXALIDACEAE Oxalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Oxalis debilis Pink Wood Sorrel; South American Wood Sorrel; Large Flower Pink Sorrel OXALIDACEAE Oxalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Oxalis dillenii Gray Green Wood Sorrel; Dillen's Wood Sorrel; Sour Grass OXALIDACEAE Oxalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Oxalis florida Slender Wood Sorrel; Tufted Wood Sorrel OXALIDACEAE Oxalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Oxalis grandis Great Wood Sorrel; Great Yellow Wood Sorrel OXALIDACEAE Oxalis Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Oxalis hispidula Bristly Wood Sorrel OXALIDACEAE Oxalis Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Oxalis intermedia Broadleaf Woodsorrel OXALIDACEAE Oxalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Oxalis macrantha Large flowered limestone woodsorrel OXALIDACEAE Oxalis Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Oxalis pes-caprae African Woodsorrel OXALIDACEAE Oxalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Oxalis stricta Common Yellow Wood Sorrel; Upright Yellow Wood Sorrel OXALIDACEAE Oxalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Oxalis texana Texas Woodsorrel OXALIDACEAE Oxalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Oxalis triangularis Purple Shamrock; Love Plant OXALIDACEAE Oxalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Oxalis violacea Violet Wood Sorrel; Violet Sour Grass OXALIDACEAE Oxalis Specimens Available Photo Icon
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