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Plant species within the HYDROPHYLLACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our HYDROPHYLLACEAE family page.
Displaying records 1-12 of 12 Page of 1
Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Hydrophyllum appendiculatum Great Waterleaf; Appendage Waterleaf; Notch Bract Waterleaf HYDROPHYLLACEAE Hydrophyllum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hydrophyllum canadense Broadleaf Waterleaf; Canadian Waterleaf; Blunt Leaf Waterleaf HYDROPHYLLACEAE Hydrophyllum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hydrophyllum macrophyllum Large Leaf Waterleaf; Hairy Waterleaf HYDROPHYLLACEAE Hydrophyllum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Nemophila aphylla Small Flower Baby Blue Eyes; Eastern Baby Blue Eyes HYDROPHYLLACEAE Nemophila Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Nemophila maculata Five Spot HYDROPHYLLACEAE Nemophila Specimens Available
Accepted Name Phacelia bipinnatifida Fern Leaf Scorpion Weed; Fern Leaf Phacelia; Forest Phacelia HYDROPHYLLACEAE Phacelia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Phacelia dubia var. dubia Small Flower Scorpion Weed; Appalachian Scorpion Weed; Small Flower Phacelia HYDROPHYLLACEAE Phacelia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Phacelia dubia var. georgiana Georgia Scorpion Weed; Georgia Phacelia; Outcrop Phacelia HYDROPHYLLACEAE Phacelia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Phacelia maculata Spotted Scorpion Weed; Flatrock Phacelia; Spotted Phacelia HYDROPHYLLACEAE Phacelia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Phacelia purshii Miami Mist HYDROPHYLLACEAE Phacelia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Phacelia ranunculacea Ocean Blue Scorpion Weed; Western Buttercup Phacelia HYDROPHYLLACEAE Phacelia
Accepted Name Phacelia strictiflora var. robbinsii Robbins' Prairie Scorpion Weed HYDROPHYLLACEAE Phacelia
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