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Plant species within the CUCURBITACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our CUCURBITACEAE family page.
Displaying records 1-15 of 15 Page of 1
Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Benincasa hispida Wax Gourd CUCURBITACEAE Benincasa Specimens Available
Accepted Name Cayaponia quinqueloba Five Lobe Cucumber; Five Lobe Melonleaf CUCURBITACEAE Cayaponia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Citrullus amarus Citron Melon CUCURBITACEAE Citrullus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Citrullus colocynthis Colocynth; Bitter Apple CUCURBITACEAE Citrullus
Accepted Name Citrullus lanatus Watermelon CUCURBITACEAE Citrullus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Cucumis anguria var. longaculeatus West Indian Gherkin; Jamaican Cucumber CUCURBITACEAE Cucumis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Cucumis melo Cantaloupe; Honeydew Melon CUCURBITACEAE Cucumis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Cucumis metuliferus African Horned Cucumber; Horned Melon CUCURBITACEAE Cucumis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Cucumis sativus Garden Cucumber CUCURBITACEAE Cucumis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Cucurbita pepo Squash; Gourd; Field Pumpkin CUCURBITACEAE Cucurbita Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ecballium elaterium Squirting Cucumber CUCURBITACEAE Ecballium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Lagenaria siceraria Bottle Gourd; Calabash Gourd CUCURBITACEAE Lagenaria Specimens Available
Accepted Name Melothria pendula Creeping Cucumber; Melonette CUCURBITACEAE Melothria Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Momordica charantia Balsam Pear; Bitter Melon; Bitter Gourd CUCURBITACEAE Momordica Specimens Available
Accepted Name Sicyos angulatus One Seed Bur Cucumber; Star Cucumber CUCURBITACEAE Sicyos Specimens Available Photo Icon
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