Paspalum alternans
| Paspalum alternans Steudel, Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 26. 1853. | | LOUISIANA |
Paspalum angustifolium
| Paspalum angustifolium Leconte, J. Phys. Chim. Hist. Nat. Arts 91: 285. 1820. | | |
Paspalum angustifolium var. tenue
| Paspalum angustifolium Leconte, var. tenue A. W. Wood, Amer. Bot. Fl., ed. 2. 390. 1871. | | |
Paspalum australe
| Paspalum australe Nash, in Britton, Man. Fl. N. States 1039. 1901. | | GEORGIA: DeKalb Co.: Stone Mountain, 1-6 Aug 1895, Small s.n. (holotype: NY). |
Paspalum laeve subsp. angustifolium
| Paspalum laeve Michaux, subsp. angustifolium (Leconte) W. Stone, Pl. S. New Jersey 187. 1912 ("1911"). | Paspalum angustifolium Leconte 1820. | |
Paspalum laeve subsp. australe
| Paspalum laeve Michaux, subsp. australe (Nash) W. Stone, Pl. S. New Jersey 186. 1912 ("1911"). | Paspalum australe Nash 1901. | |
Paspalum laeve subsp. circulare
| Paspalum laeve Michaux, subsp. circulare (Nash) W. Stone, Pl. S. New Jersey 187. 1912 ("1911"). | Paspalum circulare Nash 1901. | |
Paspalum laeve var. angustifolium
| Paspalum laeve Michaux, var. angustifolium (Leconte) Vasey, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 13: 165. 1886. | Paspalum angustifolium Leconte 1820. | |
Paspalum laeve var. australe
| Paspalum laeve Michaux, var. australe (Nash) Nash ex Hitchcock, Rhodora 8: 205. 1906. | Paspalum australe Nash 1901. | |
Paspalum laeve var. brevifolium
| Paspalum laeve Michaux, var. brevifolium Vasey, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 3: 18. 1892, nom. illegit. | paspalum laeve Michaux, var. undulosum (Leconte) A. W. Wood 1861; Paspalum undulosum Leconte 1820. | |
Paspalum laeve var. pilosum
| Paspalum laeve Michaux, var. pilosum Lamson-Scribner, Grasses Tennessee 2: 34. 1894. | | TENNESSEE: Monroe Co.: Madisonville, 26 Jun 1891, Lamson-Scribner s.n. (holotype: US). |
Paspalum laeve var. undulosum
| Paspalum laeve Michaux, var. undulosum (Leconte) A. W. Wood, Class-Book Bot., ed. 1861. 782. 1861. | Paspalum undulosum Leconte 1820. | |
Paspalum lecomteanum
| Paspalum lecomteanum Schultes, Mant. 2: 168. 1824, nom. illegit. | Paspalum undulosum Leconte 1820. | |
Paspalum plenipilum
| Paspalum plenipilum Nash, in Britton, Man. Fl. N. States 73. 1901. | | NEW JERSEY: Passaic Co.: Vicinity of Clifton, 18 Aug 1892, Nash s.n. holotype: NY; isotype: NY). |
Paspalum praelongum
| Paspalum praelongum Nash, in Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 74, 1326. 1903. | | DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Without locality, 5 Sep 1894, Nash s.n. (holotype: NY). |
Paspalum punctulatum
| Paspalum punctulatum Bertoloni, Mem. Reale Accad. Sci. Ist. Bologna 2: 599, pl. 42(a-e). 1850. | | ALABAMA |
Paspalum tenue
| Paspalum tenue Darby, Bot. South. States 576. 1855, non Gaertner 1791, nec Kunth 1829. | | |
Paspalum undulosum
| Paspalum undulosum Leconte, J. Phys. Chim. Hist. Nat. Arts 91: 284. 1820. | | GEORGIA |
Paspalum circulare
| Paspalum circulare Nash, in Britton, Man. Fl. N. States 73. 1901. | | NEW JERSEY: Bergen Co.: Without locality, 18 Aug 1889, Nash s.n. (holotype: NY). |
Paspalum longipilum
| Paspalum longipilum Nash, Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 435. 1900. | | FLORIDA: Lake Co.: Vicinity of Eustis, 16-30 Jun 1894, Nash 1027 (holotype: NY; isotypes: MO, NY, US). |