Crataegus accincta
| Crataegus accincta Sargent, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 62: 154. 1910. | | PENNSYLVANIA: Allegheny Co.: McKees Rocks, 28 Sep 1905, Jennings et al. 24 (holotype; A?). |
Crataegus acutifolia
| Crataegus acutifolia Sargent, Bot. Gaz. 31: 217. 1901. | | MISSOURI: St. Louis Co.: Near the bank of the Mississippi River at Carondelet, 9 May 1887, Eggert s.n. (lectotype: A; isolectotype: MO). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 182. 2007. |
Crataegus acutifolia var. insignis
| Crataegus acutifolia Sargent, var. insignis (Sargent) E. J. Palmer, Brittonia 5: 482. 1946. | Crataegus insignis Sargent 1903. | |
Crataegus albanthera
| Crataegus albanthera Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 53. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Taney Co.: Swan, 7 Oct 1907, Bush 21A (lectotype: A). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 182. 2007. |
Crataegus arborea var. ohioensis
| Crataegus arborea Beadle, var. ohioensis (Sargent) Kruschke, Milwaukee Public Mus. Publ. Bot. 3: 156. 1965. | Crataegus ohioensis Sargent 1922. | |
Crataegus arduennae
| Crataegus arduennae Sargent, Bot. Gaz. 35: 377. 1903. | | ILLINOIS |
Crataegus armata
| Crataegus armata Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 136. 1902. | | TENNESSEE: Davidson Co.: Near Nashville, |
Crataegus attenuata
| Crataegus attenuata Ashe, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 19(1): 30. 1903. | | MICHIGAN: St. Clair Co.: Port Huron, s.d., Dodge & Ashe s.n. (holotype: NCU?). |
Crataegus barrettiana
| Crataegus barrettiana Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 50. 1908. | | MISSOURI: St. Louis Co.: Near Barrett's Station, 13 May 1907, Kellogg 2 (lectotype: A; isolectotype: MO). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 183. 2007. |
Crataegus bartramiana
| Crataegus bartramiana Sargent, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 57: 582. 1905. | | PENNSYLVANIA: Philadelphia Co.: Hedgerow along the lane leading to Bartram Garden, West Philadelphia, |
Crataegus bellica
| Crataegus bellica Sarg., Trees & Shrubs 2: 236. 1913. | | ARKANSAS: Hempstead Co.: Near Fulton, 22 Apr 1902, Bush 1436 (holotype: A?). |
Crataegus calophylla
| Crataegus calophylla Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 22: 67. 1912. | | MISSOURI: Greene Co.: Near Springfield, 3 May 1908, Kellogg 123 (lectotype: A; isolectotype: MO). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 183. 2007. |
Crataegus canbyi
| Crataegus canbyi Sargent, Bot. Gaz. 31: 3. 1901. | | DELAWARE/PENNSYLVANIA |
Crataegus candens
| Crataegus candens Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 55. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Shannon Co.: Monteer, 14 May 1905, Bush 6B (lectotype: A). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 183. 2007. |
Crataegus cherokeensis
| Crataegus cherokeensis Sargent, J. Arnold Arbor. 3: 1. 1922. | | TEXAS: Cherokee Co.: Near Larissa, |
Crataegus cocksii
| Crataegus cocksii Sargent, J. Arnold Arbor. 1: 248. 1920. | | LOUISIANA: Winn Par.: Marble quarry near Winnfield, 6 Apr & 9 Oct 1913, Cocks & Sargent s.n. (holotype: A?). |
Crataegus consueta
| Crataegus consueta Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 67. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Taney Co.: Swan, 24 Sep 1905, Bush 6A (lectotype: A). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 184. 2007. |
Crataegus crus-galli var. splendens
| Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus, var. splendens Aiton, Hort. Kew. 2: 170. 1789, nom. inadmiss. | Crataegus crusgalli Linnaeus 1753. | |
Crataegus crus-galli var. barrettiana
| Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus, var. barrettiana (Sargent) E. J. Palmer, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 22: 558. 1935. | Crataegus barrettiana Sargent 1908. | |
Crataegus crus-galli var. bellica
| Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus, var. bellica (Sargent) E. J. Palmer, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 22: 558. 1935. | Crataegus bellica Sargent 1913. | |
Crataegus crus-galli var. capillata
| Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus, var. capillata Sargent, Bot. Gaz. 35: 100. 1903. | | DELAWARE: Newcastle Co.: 1 mi. E of Christiana on the Newcastle Road, |
Crataegus crus-galli var. exigua
| Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus, var. exigua (Sargent) Eggleston, Rhodora 10: 75. 1908. | Crataegus exigua Sargent 1903. | |
Crataegus crus-galli var. leptophylla
| Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus, var. leptophylla (Sargent) E. J. Palmer, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 22: 558. 1935. | Crataegus leptophylla Sargent 1908. | |
Crataegus crus-galli var. linearis
| Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus, var. linearis (Persoon) de Candolle, Prodr. 2: 626. 1825. | Crataegus linearis Persoon 1806. | |
Crataegus crus-galli var. macra
| Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus, var. macra (Beadle) E. J. Palmer, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 22: 557. 1935. | Crataegus macra Beadle 1902 | |
Crataegus crus-galli var. oblongata
| Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus, var. oblongata Sargent, Bot. Gaz. 35: 99. 1903. | | DELAWARE/PENNSYLVANIA: |
Crataegus crus-galli var. pachyphylla
| Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus, var. pachyphylla (Sargent) E. J. Palmer, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 22: 558. 1935. | Crataegus pachyphylla Sargent 1908. | |
Crataegus crus-galli var. prunifolia
| Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus, var. prunifolia (Poiret) Loudon, Arbor. Frutic. Brit. 2: 821. 1838. | Mespilus prunifolia Poiret 1797. | |
Crataegus crus-galli var. regalis
| Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus, var. regalis (Beadle) J. B. Phipps, Novon 16: 385. 2006. | Crataegus regalis Beadle 1902. | |
Crataegus crus-galli var. rubens
| Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus, var. rubens Sargent, Bull. New York State Mus. 167: 75. 1913. | | NEW YORK: Ontario Co.: Bottom lands bordering the outlet of Canandaigua Lake E of the railroad station at Chapin, 24 Sep 1908, Slavin 3 (holotype: A?). |
Crataegus crus-galli var. salicifolia
| Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus, var. salicifolia Aiton, Hort. Kew. 2: 170. 1789. | | |
Crataegus crus-galli var. splendens
| Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus, var. splendens Aiton f., Hortus Kew. 3: 202. 1811. | | |
Crataegus denaria
| Crataegus denaria Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 131. 1902. | | MISSISSIPPI: Lowndes Co.: Columbus, |
Crataegus discolor
| Crataegus discolor Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 44. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Carter Co.: Near Grandin, 6 May 1905, Bush 3 (lectotype: A; isolectotypes: A, MO). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 185. 2007. |
Crataegus eburnea
| Crataegus eburnea Ashe, Ann. Carnegie Mus. 1: 395. 1902. | | PENNSYLVANIA/VIRGINIA: |
Crataegus efferta
| Crataegus efferta Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 51. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Franklin Co.: Pacific, 8 May 1905, Kellogg 1 (holotype: A). |
Crataegus effulgens
| Crataegus effulgens Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 22: 71. 1912. | | MISSOURI: Greene Co.: Brookline, 24 Sep 1908, Kellogg 125 (lectotype: A). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 185. 2007. |
Crataegus engelmannii
| Crataegus engelmannii Sargent, Bot. Gaz. 31: 2. 1901. | | MISSOURI: Without data, 24 May 1898, Bush 86 (lectotype: A; isolectotype: MO). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 185. 2007. |
Crataegus erecta
| Crataegus erecta Sargent, Bot. Gaz. 31: 218. 1901. | | ILLINOIS: St. Clair Co.: East St. Louis, |
Crataegus exigua
| Crataegus exigua Sargent, Rhodora 5: 52. 1903. | | CONNECTICUT |
Crataegus farwellii
| Crataegus farwellii Sarg., Rep. Geol. Surv. Michigan 1906: 519. 1907. | | MICHIGAN |
Crataegus ferox
| Crataegus ferox Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 52. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Jasper Co.: Prosperity Junction near Webb City, 19 May 1901, Bush 534 (lectotype: A). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 186. 2007. |
Crataegus hamata
| Crataegus hamata Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 46. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Franklin Co.: Pacific, 8 May 1905, Kellogg s.n. (lectotype: A). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 186. 2007. |
Crataegus hannibalensis
| Crataegus hannibalensis E. J. Palmer, J. Arnold Arbor. 16: 353, f. 1. 1935. | | MISSOURI: Marion Co.: Hannibal, 7 Sep 1921, Palmer 20382 (holotype: A). |
Crataegus immitis
| Crataegus immitis Ashe, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 19(1): 28. 1903. | | PENNSYLVANIA: Delaware Co.: Without data, Ashe s.n. (holotype: NCU?). |
Crataegus insignis
| Crataegus insignis Sargent, Trees & Shrubs 1: 107, t. 54. 1903. | | ILLINOIS |
Crataegus intermixta
| Crataegus intermixta Sargent, J. Arnold Arbor. 3: 5. 1922, non Beck 1890. | | MISSOURI: Marion Co.: Riverside Park, Hannibal, 21 Oct 1912, Davis 6 (lectotype: A). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 192. 2007. |
Crataegus jasperensis
| Crataegus jasperensis Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 61. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Jasper Co.: Near Webb City, 15 May 1904, Palmer 2X (lectotype: A). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 187. 2007. |
Crataegus laurifolia
| Crataegus laurifolia Medikus, Gesch. Bot. 84. 1793, nom. illegit. | Crataegus lucida Miller 1768. | |
Crataegus lawrencensis
| Crataegus lawrencensis Sargent, J. Arnold Arbor. 3: 3. 1922. | | MISSOURI: Lawrence Co.: La Russell, 22 Apr 1908, Palmer 1 (lectotype: A). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 188. 2007. |
Crataegus leptophylla
| Crataegus leptophylla Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 69. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Cole Co.: Osage, 6 May 1905, Kellogg 1 (lectotype: A; isolectotype: MO). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 188. 2007. |
Crataegus linearis
| Crataegus linearis Persoon, Syn. Pl. 2: 37. 1806. | | |
Crataegus lucida
| Crataegus lucida Miller, Gard. Dict., ed. 8. 1768. | | |
Crataegus ludoviciensis
| Crataegus ludoviciensis Sargent, Trees & Shrubs 2: 5, t. 103. 1907. | | MISSOURI: St. Louis Co.: Bottom-lands of the Desperes River, Carondelet, South St. Louis, 23 Sep 1902, Kellogg 7 (lectotype: A; isolectotype: MO). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 188. 2007. |
Crataegus mohrii
| Crataegus mohrii Beadle, Bot. Gaz. 28: 416. 1899. | | GEORGIA: Floyd Co.: Rome, 4 May 1899, Beadle 236 (lectotype: A; isolectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps, J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 1: 1006. 2007. |
Crataegus monosperma
| Crataegus monosperma Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 56. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Taney Co.: Swan Creek bottoms near Swan, 20 May 1907, Bush Q (lectotype: A). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 190. 2007. |
Crataegus pachyphylla
| Crataegus pachyphylla Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 54. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Cole Co.: Osage, 1 Oct 1907, Kellogg 7 (lectotype: A; isolectotypes: A, MO). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 190. 2007. |
Crataegus parkiae
| Crataegus parkiae Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 22: 70. 1912. | | MISSOURI: Greene Co.: Near Springfield, 9 May 1908, Kellogg 129 (lectotype: A; isolectotypes: A, MO). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps, Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 191. 2007. |
Crataegus permera
| Crataegus permera Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 65. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Shannon Co.: Near Monteer, 16 May 1905, Bush 12 (lectotype: A; isolectotype: MO). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 191. 2007. |
Crataegus permixta
| Crataegus permixta E. J. Palmer, Brittonia 5: 483. 1946. | Crataegus intermixta Sargent 1922, non Beck 1890. | |
Crataegus polyclada
| Crataegus polyclada Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 22: 72. 1912. | | MISSOURI: Greene Co.: Near Springfield, 1 May 1908, Kellogg 119 (lectotype: A; osolectotypes: A, MO). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 192. 2007. |
Crataegus rudis
| Crataegus rudis Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 71. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Shannon Co.: Near Monteer, 11 May 1905, Bush 2 (lectotype: A; isolectotype: MO). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 193. 2007. |
Crataegus severa
| Crataegus severa Sargent, Trees & Shrubs 2: 59, pl. 127. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Shannon Co.: Grandin, 1 Oct 1900, Sargent 5 (holotype: A). |
Crataegus tantula
| Crataegus tantula Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 49. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Jasper Co.: Near Webb City, 23 May 1901, Bush 10 (lectotype: A; isolectotypes: A, MO). Lectotypified by J. P. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 195. 2007. |
Crataegus tardiflora
| Crataegus tardiflora Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 49. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Christian Co.: 5 mi. N of Swan, 28 Sep 1905, Bush 16 (lectotype: A; isolectotype: A). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 195. 2007. |
Crataegus tenuispina
| Crataegus tenuispina Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 58. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Carter Co.: Near Grandin, 11 Oct 1905, Bush 5 (lectotype: A; isolectotype: A). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 195. 2007. |
Crataegus trahax
| Crataegus trahax Ashe, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 19(1): 27. 1903. | | PENNSYLVANIA: Berks Co.: Without data, Gruber & Ashe s.n. (holotype: NCU?). |
Crataegus truncata
| Crataegus truncata Sargent, Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 19: 57. 1908. | | MISSOURI: Taney Co.: Swan, 16 May 1907, Bush 13 (lectotype: A). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 195. 2007. |
Crataegus pyracanthifolia
| Crataegus pyracanthifolia (Aiton) G. Don, in Sweet, Hort. Brit., ed. 3. 209. 1839. | Crataegus crusgalli Linnaeus, var. pyracanthifolia Aiton 1789. | |
Crataegus pyracanthoides var. arborea
| Crataegus pyracanthoides Beadle, var. arborea (Beadle) E. J. Palmer, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 22: 559. 1935. | Crataegus arborea Beadle 1902. | |
Mespilus crus-galli var. linearis
| Mespilus crus-galli (Linnaeus) Du Roi, var. linearis (Persoon) Wenzig, Linnaea 38: 140. 1874. | Crataegus linearis Persoon 1806. | |
Mespilus crus-galli var. salicifolia
| Mespilus crus-galli (Linnaeus) Du Roi, var. salicifolia (Aiton) Wenzig, Linnaea 38: 139. 1874. | Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus, var. salicifolia Aiton 1789. | |
Mespilus cuneifolia
| Mespilus cuneifolia Moench, Methodus 684. 1794, nom. illegit. | Crataegus crusgalli Linnaeus 1753. | |
Oxyacantha crus-galli
| Oxyacantha crus-galli (Linnaeus) Nieuwland, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 4: 277. 1915. | Crataegus crusgalli Linnaeus 1753. | |
Crataegus algens
| Crataegus algens Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 135. 1902. | | NORTH CAROLINA: Buncombe Co.: Biltmore Estate, |
Crataegus arborea
| Crataegus arborea Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 137. 1902. | | ALABAMA: Montgomery Co.: Montgomery, |
Crataegus signata
| Crataegus signata Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 42. 1901. | | ALABAMA: Mobile Co.: Near Mobile, |