Acer negundo L. |
| Herbarium: |
Anniston Museum of Natural History Herbarium (AMAL) |
Currently Accepted Name: | Acer negundo L. var. negundo |
Herbarium Name Used: | Acer negundo L. var. negundo |
Locality: | USA. Alabama. Lee: Auburn University Fisheries Unit, S-end of first set of fish ponds, 0.2 air mile south from main entrance on AL. Hwy. 147 (North College St.) |
Description: | Mixed deciduous woods of Fraxinus americana and Platanus occidentalis with an understory dominated by Ligustrum sinense. |
Habitat: | Along Stream and wet flood plain drainging to Saugahatchee Creek. Mixed deciduous woods. Soggy, mucky soil. |
Elevation: | 580 ft |
Collector: | Hansen, Curtis J. 3896 with Leslie R. Goertzen |
Date: | 13 May 2009 |
Accession No: | AMAL00016889 |
Image: | AMAL00016889.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link: | Plant Atlas Citation |
Submission Info: | Submitted by admin on 13 Sep 2021 |