Pistacia chinensis

Species:Pistacia chinensis Bunge
Common Name:Chinese Pistachio
Associated Ecological Communities:**
Growth Habit:Tree
USDA Symbol:**
Plant Notes:Chinese Pistachio is an introduced deciduous shrub or small tree in the Sumac/Cashew family (Anacardiaceae). It is native to mountain forests and rocky hills in central and western China, Afghanistan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Tibet. In Alabama it is frequently planted as a street tree, in parking lot islands, and as a shade tree for patios and small gardens. Chinese Pistachio is a large shrub or small tree to 35 feet in height. The bark is smooth and gray-brown in color with slightly raised lenticels on young stems, and irregularly furrowed and gray, exfoliating to expose reddish-brown inner bark on older stems and the trunk. Leaves are alternate, petiolate, and pinnately compound with 9-12 leaflets. The petiole and rachis is pubescent. The leaflets are lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate in outline, pubescent along the midrib and major veins, and with entire margins. The leaves are aromatic when crushed, and turn shades of red, orange, or scarlet before dropping in the autumn. Trees are dioecious with flowers appearing before the foliage. The small, greenish-yellow flowers are produced in terminal panicles. Male flowers have 2 tepals and 3-5 stamens. Female flowers have 5 tepals. The fruit is a small blue or red drupe. Chinese Pistachio is a fast-growing small tree with striking autumn foliage that is disease and pest resistant and drought tolerant. It has been reported as an escape in California, Texas, Alabama and Georgia.—A. Diamond.
Taxonomic Notes:First reported naturalized in 2021 by Diamond & Keener based on their collections in Marengo and Montgomery counties.
Status:Not Native
References:Diamond, A.R. and B.R. Keener. 2021. Three non-native vascular plant species new to the flora of Alabama. Castanea 86(2) 273-277.
Specimen: View specimen details in the Alabama Herbarium Consortium Specimen Database

** Not applicable or data not available.


FamilyANACARDIACEAE - Sumac/Cashew family
Genus Pistacia
Species Pistacia chinensis Bunge - Chinese Pistachio


Citation Pistacia chinensis Bunge, Enum. Pl. China Bor. 15. 1833.
Basionym: **
Type: **

** Not applicable or data not available.


No synonyms exist for this species.

Specimens and Distribution

This species has been reported in the following counties by the herbaria listed. An overview of the individual specimens are provided in the table that follows. Click on the accession number to view details; click on column headers to sort; choose a county or herbaria to filter the specimen data.

Counties included on distribution map: Lawrence, Montgomery

Counties represented by specimen data listed below:

Herbaria represented by specimen data listed below: AUA, TROY

Range of years during which specimens were collected: -

Barcode / Accession No. County Coll. Date Collector &
Collection No.
Herbarium &
Herbarium Name Used
AUA000027643 Lawrence 18 Jun 1988 LANDERS, K.E.
S. N.
TROY000050926 Montgomery 01 Nov 2020 Diamond, Alvin R.
Pistacia chinensis Bunge
AUA000027644 Lawrence 23 Jul 1988 LANDERS, K.E.
S. N.
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