Zeuxine strateumatica

Species:Zeuxine strateumatica (L.) Schltr.
Common Name:Soldier Orchid; Lawn Orchid
Associated Ecological Communities:**
Growth Habit:Herb
Plant Notes:Lawn Orchid is an introduced herbaceous perennial in the Orchid family (Orchidaceae). It is native to Asia. In Alabama it can be found in coastal areas and as a weed in greenhouse and nursery stock. Lawn Orchid occurs in greenhouses, in lawns, in flower beds, on roadsides, in ditches, and occasionally in hammocks and pine woodlands. It is a perennial from a fleshy creeping rhizome. Stems are erect, 2-12 inches in height, usually unbranched, greenish or purple-brown in color, and glabrous. Leaves are alternate, sessile with bases sheathing the stem, erect, linear to lanceolate in outline, thick and fleshy or leathery in texture, often with revolute margins, and glabrous. Flowers are produced in a dense terminal spike or raceme during the winter months. The flowers are tubular to campanulate in shape and white in color with a yellow lip. The fruit is a capsule with many dust-like seed. It is believed that this species arrived in Florida in a shipment of centipede grass (Eremochioa ophiuroides) from China in 1927. Lawn Orchid is occasionally cultivated by orchid enthusiasts. It prefers a well-draining soil in full sun to partial shade.—A. Diamond
Taxonomic Notes:**
Status:Not Native, FAC (NWI)
Specimen: View specimen details in the Alabama Herbarium Consortium Specimen Database

** Not applicable or data not available.


FamilyORCHIDACEAE - Orchid family
Genus Zeuxine
Species Zeuxine strateumatica (L.) Schltr. - Soldier Orchid; Lawn Orchid


Citation Zeuxine strateumatica (Linnaeus) Schlechter, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45(3): 394, in obs.. 1911.
Basionym: Orchis strateumatica L. 1753.
Type: SRI LANKA: Without data, Herb. Hermann 2: 35, no. 319 (lectotye: BM). Lectotypified by Cribb, in Cafferty & C.E. Jarvis, Taxon 45: 49. 1999.

** Not applicable or data not available.


SynonymFull CitationBasionymType
Adenostylis emarginata Adenostylis emarginata Blume, Bijdr. 414. 1825.  
Adenostylis integerrima Adenostylis integerrima Blume, Bijdr. 414, f. 17. 1825.  
Adenostylis strateumatica Adenostylis strateumatica (Linnaeus) Ames, Orchidac. 2: 59. 1908.Orchis strateumatica Linnaeus 1753. 
Adenostylis sulcata Adenostylis sulcata (Roxburgh) Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formos. Suppl. 6: 75. 1917.Pterygodium sulcatum Roxburgh 1832. 
Neottia strateumatica Neottia strateumatica (Linnaeus) R. Brown ex Steudel, Nom. Bot., ed. 2. 2: 190. 1841.Orchis strateumatica Linnaeus 1753. 
Orchis strateumatica Orchis strateumatica Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 943. 1753.  
Pterygodium sulcatum Pterygodium sulcatum Roxburgh, Fl. Ind., ed. 1832. 3: 452. 1832.  
Spiranthes strateumatica Spiranthes strateumatica (Linnaeus) Lindley, Bot. Reg. 10: sub t. 823. 1824.Orchis strateumatica Linnaeus 1753. 
Strateuma zeylanica Strateuma zeylanica Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 2: 89. 1837 ("1836"), nom. illegit.Orchis strateumatica Linnaeus 1753. 
Tripleura pallida Tripleura pallida Lindley, Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 452. 1840.  
Zeuxine bonii Zeuxine bonii Gagnepain, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris), ser. 2. 3: 326. 1931.  
Zeuxine bracteata Zeuxine bracteata Wight, Icon. Pl. 5(1): 16, pl. 1724 bis. 1851. INDIA
Zeuxine brevifolia Zeuxine brevifolia Wight, Icon. Pl. 5(1): 16, t. 1725. 1851. INDIA
Zeuxine emarginata Zeuxine emarginata (Blume) Lindley, Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 485. 1840.Adenostylis emarginata Blume 1825. 
Zeuxine integerrima Zeuxine integerrima (Blume) Lindley, Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 486. 1840.Adenostylis integerrima Blume 1825. 
Zeuxine membranacea Zeuxine membranacea Lindley, Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 486. 1840.  
Zeuxine procumbens Zeuxine procumbens Blume, Fl. Javae Nov. Ser. 56. 1858.  
Zeuxine robusta Zeuxine robusta Wight, Icon. Pl. 5(1): 16, t. 1726. 1851. INDIA
Zeuxine sulcata Zeuxine sulcata (Roxburgh) Lindley, Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 485. 1840.Pterygodium sulcatum Roxburgh 1832. 
Zeuxine tripleura Zeuxine tripleura Lindley, J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 1: 186. 1857.Zeuxine pallida Lindley 1840. 
Zeuxine wariana Zeuxine wariana Schlechter, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 77. 1911. NEW GUINEA

Specimens and Distribution

This species has been reported in the following counties by the herbaria listed. An overview of the individual specimens are provided in the table that follows. Click on the accession number to view details; click on column headers to sort; choose a county or herbaria to filter the specimen data.

Counties included on distribution map: Baldwin, Mobile

Counties represented by specimen data listed below:

Herbaria represented by specimen data listed below: ALNHS, AMAL, UNA, UWAL, UWFP

Range of years during which specimens were collected: -

Barcode / Accession No. County Coll. Date Collector &
Collection No.
Herbarium &
Herbarium Name Used
AMAL00019885 Mobile 03 Feb 2013 Horne, Howard E.
Zeuxine strateumatica (Linnaeus) Schlechter
UWFP000015841acc Mobile 03 Feb 1999 Virgil L. Hawley
Zeuxine strateumatica (L.) Schltr.
UWAL0012753 Mobile 03 Feb 2013 Horne, Howard E.
Zeuxine strateumatica (Linnaeus) Schlechter
UWAL0043911 Baldwin 13 Feb 2002 Larsen, Harry S.
Zeuxine strateumatica (L.) Schltr.
AMAL00016398 Mobile 28 Jan 2009 Barger, T. Wayne
Zeuxine strateumatica (Linnaeus) Schlechter
UNA00073509 Baldwin 15 Jan 2014 Zebryk, Tad M.
Zeuxine strateumatica (L.) Schlechter
AMAL00019372 Baldwin 14 Feb 2007 Barger, T. Wayne
Zeuxine strateumatica (Linnaeus) Schlechter
UWFP000022238acc Mobile 10 Apr 2010 James R. Burkhalter
Zeuxine strateumatica (Linnaeus) Schlechter
UWAL0043912 Baldwin 13 Feb 2002 Larsen, Harry S.
Zeuxine strateumatica (L.) Schltr.
ALNHS00000982 Baldwin 23 Feb 2012 Barger, T. Wayne
Zeuxine strateumatica (L.) Schlechter
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