Lablab purpureus

Species:Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet
Common Name:Hyacinthbean
Associated Ecological Communities:**
Growth Habit:Vine
USDA Symbol:**
Plant Notes:Hyacinthbean is an introduced twining annual or short-lived perennial in the Bean family (Fabaceae). It is native to Africa, and is widely cultivated in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean for food. In the United States it is grown as an ornamental or for cut flowers. This species was collected once in the 1920’s in the agricultural fields at Auburn University and it is doubtful it is an established as part of the flora. Hyacinthbean is a twining annual with stems 10-20 feet in length. The stems are green or purplish in color and pubescent or glabrous. Leaves are alternate, petiolate, and pinnately trifoliate. The leaflets are ovate in outline, entire, and pubescent on the lower surface. Fragrant flowers are produced in loosely flowered axillary racemes. The corolla is papilionaceous and purple or white in color. The fruit is a large, laterally compressed, dehiscent legume that is green or purple in color. The flowers, leaves, and immature fruit are edible. Mature seed contain cyanogenic glycosides and can be toxic in large amounts. Hyacinthbean can be grown from seed planted after the danger of frost has past. It prefers a well-draining soil in full sun. Plants will need a trellis or other support to climb on. It is resistant to heat and drought, and has a long flowering period.—A. Diamond.
Taxonomic Notes:Collected in the agricultural fields and Auburn University one time in the 1920s. It is doubtful this species is an established as part of the flora.
Status:Not Persisting, Not Native, FAC (NWI)
Specimen: View specimen details in the Alabama Herbarium Consortium Specimen Database

** Not applicable or data not available.


FamilyFABACEAE - Pea/Bean family
Genus Lablab
Species Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet - Hyacinthbean


Citation LABLAB PURPUREUS (Linnaeus) Sweet, Hort. Brit. 481. 1826.
Basionym: Dolichos purpureus Linnaeus 1763.
Type: FRANCE: Loire-Atlantique: Reze near Nantes, hort. C. Renault, 14 Aug 1900, Herb. Gadeceau s.n. (neotype: BM). Neotypified by Verdcourt, in Turland & C. E. Jarvis, Taxon 46: 469. 1997.

** Not applicable or data not available.


SynonymFull CitationBasionymType
Dolichos lablab Dolichos lablab Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 725. 1753. TYPE: EGYPT: Without data (lectotype: Alpini, Pl. Aegypt. Liber. t. 75. 1640). Lectotypified by Verdcourt, in Milne-Readhead & Polhill, Fl. Trop. E. Afr., Legum. 4: 697. 1971.
Dolichos purpureus Dolichos purpureus Linnaeus, Sp. Pl., ed. 2. 1021. 1763. TYPE: FRANCE: Loire-Atlantique: Reze near Nantes, hort. C. Renault, 14 Aug 1900, Herb. Gadeceau s.n. (neotype: BM). Neotypified by Verdcourt, in Turland & C. E. Jarvis, Taxon 46: 469. 1997.
Lablab niger Lablab niger Medikus, Vorles. Churpfaelz. Phys.-Oecon. Ges. 2: 354. 1787.BASIONYM: Dolichos lablab Linnaeus 1753. 
Lablab vulgaris Lablab vulgaris Savi, Nuovo Giorn. Lett., ser. 3. 8: 116. 1824, nom. illegit.BASIONYM: Lablab niger Medikus 1787; Dolichos lablab Linnaeus 1753. 

Specimens and Distribution

This species has been reported in the following counties by the herbaria listed. An overview of the individual specimens are provided in the table that follows. Click on the accession number to view details; click on column headers to sort; choose a county or herbaria to filter the specimen data.

Counties included on distribution map: Lee

Counties represented by specimen data listed below:

Herbaria represented by specimen data listed below: AUA

Range of years during which specimens were collected: -

Barcode / Accession No. County Coll. Date Collector &
Collection No.
Herbarium &
Herbarium Name Used
AUA000011982 Lee 19 Sep 1924 ZELIFF, C.C.
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