Kerria japonica

Species:Kerria japonica (L.) DC.
Common Name:Japanese Rose
Associated Ecological Communities:**
Growth Habit:Shrub
Plant Notes:Japanese Rose is an introduced deciduous shrub in the Rose family (Rosaceae). It is native to China and Japan. In Alabama it has been collected as a rare escape (or more commonly persisting from cultivation) in widely scattered locations. Japanese Rose grows along roadsides banks and around old homesites. It is a deciduous colonial shrub reaching 6-8 feet in height. The stems are flexuous, green in color, glabrous, and root when in contact with the soil. Leaves are alternate, petiolate, triangular-ovate or ovate in outline, with doubly serrate margins. The leaves are glabrous (or nearly so) above and pubescent below. Flowers are solitary and terminal on short lateral branches. They are produced before or with the new leaves. The flowers have 5 green sepals, 5 yellow-orange petals, and numerous stamens. The fruit is an achene. The cultivar 'Pleniflora' with numerous petals is the commonly cultivated variety in Alabama and is sterile. Japanese Rose is commonly available from nurseries or can be grown from cuttings or rooted shoots. It prefers a rich, well-draining soil in full to partial sun.—A. Diamond.
Taxonomic Notes:The only documented occurrence of this species in Alabama (JSU130630) is the cultivar "Pleniflora' which is a doubled form with many petals and the loss of fertile reproductive parts.
Status:Not Native
Specimen: View specimen details in the Alabama Herbarium Consortium Specimen Database

** Not applicable or data not available.


FamilyROSACEAE - Rose family
Genus Kerria
Species Kerria japonica (L.) DC. - Japanese Rose


Citation Kerria japonica (Linnaeus) A.P. de Candolle, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 12(1): 157. 1817 [1818].
Basionym: Rubus japonicus L. 1771.
Type: Without data (lectotype: LINN 653.15). Lectotypified by Cullen, Taxon 51(2) 543. 2002.

** Not applicable or data not available.


SynonymFull CitationBasionymType
Corchorus japonicus Corchorus japonicus (L.) Houtt.,Nat. Hist.2(9): 146. 1778.  
Rubus japonicus Rubus japonicus L., Mant. Pl. 2: 245. 1771. Without data (lectotype: LINN 653.15). Lectotypified by Cullen, Taxon 51(2) 543. 2002.

Specimens and Distribution

This species has been reported in the following counties by the herbaria listed. An overview of the individual specimens are provided in the table that follows. Click on the accession number to view details; click on column headers to sort; choose a county or herbaria to filter the specimen data.

Counties included on distribution map: Jackson, Jefferson, Lee

Counties represented by specimen data listed below:

Herbaria represented by specimen data listed below: ALNHS, AUA, JSU

Range of years during which specimens were collected: -

Barcode / Accession No. County Coll. Date Collector &
Collection No.
Herbarium &
Herbarium Name Used
ALNHS00001148 Jefferson 11 Apr 2012 Barger, T. Wayne
Kerria japonica (L.) DC.
JSU130630 Jackson 28 Mar 1976 Whetstone, R. David
Kerria japonica (Linnaeus) A.P. de Candolle
AUA000023205 Lee 12 Aug 1970 HOPSON, GEORGE R.
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